My Passions for Life :)

You know what I do, and what i participate in outside of school, but what in the world am I really passionte about? Let's find out!


So something that quite a few people don't know about me is that I actually really enjoy art. I enjoy drawing, painting, sketching, really anything that has my hands moving and creating something. I've always been a very creative child (so says my mom) so it is not suprise to me that this creativity has continued with me into my teen years. Surprisingly, I didn't actually take up a passion for painting until after my 12th birthday, after I got to experience what it was like. Since then I have grown in the passion of mine and have created 20+ painting between then and now. Personally, I love to paint using acrylic paints but i've also created peices using oil, and water colors. Here are a few of the paintings that I am partically very proud of.

Currently I am trying to work on mastering the abstract style of art but I do like for things to be a certain way so it is a little difficult. I am working on it though and when I do try abstract paintings, I like to use texture paintings for it :)


I loveee traveling. There has always been something about it that has enticed me from the begining, so whenever I hear me and my moher are going on a trip, no matter where it is I am always excited to go. I have traveled multiple different places and with multiple different people. I have traveled alone with my mother to Flordia, New York, and on crusies. I've taken group trips with friends to Jameica, Myrtal beach, San Juan Puerto Rico, and Keywest. I have even traveled on my own this past summer to go vist London, and Paris with EF tours. Honestly traveling has my heart and I love to see new places and how different they are from life here in GA. For example in London and paris, they travel on the life side of the road and when walking, they pass to the left of eachother, not the right.

These are some pictures of me and a few of my friends, from the different places I have traveled.


So the classmates who know me well all know that I enjoy reading. I have enjoyed reading since I was a little girl and over the years my love for it has simply grown. I started off enjoying simple things like pete the cat, and if you give a mouse a cookie. Then in elementary school, I always enjoyed reading Junnie B. Jones, Dork Diaries, And The Magic Tree House. Now I love to read books in the romance genre, or anything dealing with murder mystery, or natural disasters. Currently my two favorite books would have to be You've Reached Sam, and The Cyclone, both book talking about subjects that I love(Romance and Natural Disaters).